- 31 -


There were no clothing cards, and on January 2nd. work was started on checking the clothing in possession of the DPs and filling in clothing cards. The cards were completed by January 15th., and the clothing in possession of the DPs and filling in clothing cards.1 The cards were completed by January 15th., and the clothing warehouse was improved shortly afterwards. The issue of clothing was taken out of the hands of the various nationality committees and leaders and given to the Welfare Officer, Miss Ferreira, who issued shoes and clothing on the basis of need as indicated by the cards, with preference given to workers.


The labor registration cards were finished in April, and in her monthly report dated June 15th. Mme. Laborde wrote:

"The entire camp population is working inside the camp with the exception of mothers with children under three years of age and the old and sick. A detailed program has been established so that every physically able adult has to take his share in the maintenance and order of the camp. The labour cards have been filled out and the camp population is eager to meet any requirement for work issued by the Americans."

The figures for employment as given in the same report were as follows:

 Cen­ter Opera­tionCen­ter Work­shopsEm­ployed by Mili­taryOut­side em­ploy­ment oth­er than Mili­taryTotals



















(* These figures included DPs working in CHQ, Arolsen, and UNRRA Motor Pool No. 2, Kassel)

Junkers camp was the first in the area to finish its wood cutting program, which it completed by November 17th.

Workers PX

In August,2 a workers PX was established based on a simple point system whereby a full-time worker is given 80 points a month and a part time worker 40 points. These points must be used up each month,


Passage crossed out in the original.
"August" hand-written above typed-in underline.
This content transcribes an original report of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), a separate copy of which is filed in the United Nations Archives (UNA), Reference number: S-1021-0081-05, Title: Monographs - DP-US 20 - Displaced Persons - United States Zone (Germany) - Histories of Individual Camps - History Report No. 30, Report: Baltin Camp in Bettenhausen, Kassel by D. F. McGonigal, Date: April 13, 1945. The UNA grants rights to reproduce with attribution. Additionally, this content is protected as a derivative work under Latvian Copyright Law Chapter 2 § 5 ¶ 3 and as part of a collection under Chapter 3 § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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