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was dictated by Mme. Laborde, and impression which is quite contrary to the facts and one which, it is believed, the Latvian Committee has fostered because it is not pleased with its role of cultural arbiter and liaison between the Latvian population and the Central Committee, and would prefer to have an active part in running the camp. There are dangerous possibilities in this situation, but it is believed that Junker Camp will pass successfully from its present phase of partial self government to complete self government in the near future.

List of enclosures:

 1.  Plan of Junkers Camp.
 2.Curriculum of the Latvian People's University, First Semester. (Original only)
 3.Same, second semester.
 4.Chart showing organization of the University.
 5.Magazine published by Boy Scouts and Girl Guides.
 6.Junkers Camp newspaper.
 7.Graphs depicting fluctuations in body weights with various food records.
 8.Current weekly food issue statements.
 9.  An account of a typical day in the life of an UNRRA worker. 
10.Reports of the Sessions of Representatives of all Latvian DPs in Germany and Denmark held in Junkers Camp.
11.Photographs of Latvian Committee, the new camp administrators, and of Junkers Camp and some of its activities.
12.Chart showing Camp Administration, April 12th., 1947.

End of report

1"Donald F. McGonigal, Ex-Area Director, Team 1024, 13th. April, 1947"
This content transcribes an original report of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), a separate copy of which is filed in the United Nations Archives (UNA), Reference number: S-1021-0081-05, Title: Monographs - DP-US 20 - Displaced Persons - United States Zone (Germany) - Histories of Individual Camps - History Report No. 30, Report: Baltin Camp in Bettenhausen, Kassel by D. F. McGonigal, Date: April 13, 1945. The UNA grants rights to reproduce with attribution. Additionally, this content is protected as a derivative work under Latvian Copyright Law Chapter 2 § 5 ¶ 3 and as part of a collection under Chapter 3 § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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