Their Dream is Coming True

The age in which we live is filled with great historical events. Under the leadership of the Communist Party the Soviet people, inspired by the seven-year plan for the development of their country, are performing feats of labour day after day as they turn deserts into flourishing gardens, curb the elements, and make the forces of nature serve man.

All over the vast Soviet Union factories, mills, power stations and cities are being built. People are going down into the bowels of the earth to bring up new treasures and are conquering outer space. Future genera-tions will envy us that we lived in such a wonderful and unique age.

Following a recent visit to Latvia the Czech journalist F. Soukup wrote an account of Riga, Pearl of the Baltic. "Riga's distant past was discordant and stormy, her recent past filled with heroism," writes the author. "What of her present? The city is filled with signs that afford an answer; they also point to what her future will be like. There is scaffolding everywhere, as it is everywhere in other Soviet cities, showing that the seven-year plan is in full swing."

The Soviet Union's seven-year plan is a magnificent plan of peaceful construction. The period of its fulfilment will be marked by the progress of economy, culture, science, education and health protection. Soviet Latvia will grow richer and more beautiful.

But this will be possible only because Latvia is advancing side by side with the fraternal republics of the Soviet Union. The seven-year plan is an embodiment of Lenin's principle of friendship among the peoples of the U.S.S.R. The plan provides for efficient utilisation of the resources and abilities of each of the republics belonging to the great commonwealth of socialist nations.

The creative life of the Soviet people is like a great stream into which flow thousands of rivulets and innumerable brooks. From thousands of springs of popular initiative comes the great upsurge of labour and politi-cal activity of the Soviet people, whose thoughts and deeds are directed towards mankind's radiant future, towards communism. And their dream is coming true.

Published by Soviet Booklets, 3 Rosary Gardens, London, S.W.7.
Printed by Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U. all depts.), Beechwood Rise, Watford, Herts.

"Latvia—Our Dream is Coming True" was published by Soviet Booklets, London, England, in December, 1959,
We do not endorse the Soviet account of historical events or their circumstances contained therein as factual. qualifies as a protected collection under Latvian Copyright Law Ch. II § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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