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Antoine ZahnFrenchAdministrative Assistant. Acted as Messing Officer for hospital. Terminated in June.
Vally MeschinEstonianSecretary-Interpreter. Appointed in April 1.
Aleksandrs SkujaLatvianAdministrative Assistant. Appointed Dec. 1st.

At the end of the year, only those whose names are underlined remained on the team and most of Dr. van Ackere's time was then taken up with her duties as Area Medical Officer.

Mme. Maria N. Laborde

Mme. Laborde, the Director, was a Frenchwoman of high standards, strong character, unusual intelligence, and boundless drive and energy. She was full of sympathy for the displaced persons, and her desire to help them was complete and uncolored by ambition or other ulterior motive. Her previous experience had done much to qualify her for her assignment as Director of Junkers. She had lived and worked in several different countries, and she spoke French, English and German perfectly. During the war, before joining UNRRA in Washington in October of 1944, she had filled important assignments with the U.S. Office of War Information in Paris and New York.1

Population Shifts and Repatriation.

On January 3rd., the population of Junkers Camp was as follows:

Latvians 795
Estonians 105
Belgians   7
Czechs   2
Dutch   1
Finns   1
French   3
Luxemburger      1
Poles  33
Turks  79
Yugoslavs  76

The odd nationalities were repatriated, transferred or evicted


Reference to Paris struck out by hand in original.
This content transcribes an original report of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), a separate copy of which is filed in the United Nations Archives (UNA), Reference number: S-1021-0081-05, Title: Monographs - DP-US 20 - Displaced Persons - United States Zone (Germany) - Histories of Individual Camps - History Report No. 30, Report: Baltin Camp in Bettenhausen, Kassel by D. F. McGonigal, Date: April 13, 1945. The UNA grants rights to reproduce with attribution. Additionally, this content is protected as a derivative work under Latvian Copyright Law Chapter 2 § 5 ¶ 3 and as part of a collection under Chapter 3 § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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