Vārdu diena / Names’ day (3 / 22) — Dziedra, Giedra, Ralfs, Tamāra

Latvia, one of the three Baltic states, bounded by Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, and the Baltic Sea; domain of lush forests and river valleys, sandy coastlines, and medieval architecture. Steeped in ancient traditions. The Crusades, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland-Lithuania, France, and Russia have all swept over Latvia — a touchstone of European history.


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Dig deeper into the Kremlin with our Soviet propaganda collection, even Stalin's own words.

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Finally, journey with us as we explore our Latvian heritage

If you are seeking to connect with your Latvian roots, professional family history researcher Agnese Lūse specializes in assisting diaspora Latvians.

How can we improve? suggestions@latvians.com
Kā uzlabināt vietni? ieteikumi@latvians.com


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Over the years we've received many queries about researching ancestors. Agnese is a professional family history researcher in Latvia. She's also doing a survey and will select someone to receive an hour of her consulting for free! ------- I’m looking for descendants of Latvian emigrants who are exploring their family history. If that’s you, please fill out my survey. By completing it before Sunday at midnight (January 26), you’ll have the chance to win a one-hour coaching session to get personalized help with your research. If this is currently not actual for you but you know someone who fits the description please share this link. I am most thankful! [Agnese] links.agneseluse.com/widget/form/Az2WUDmu4NHwcdrlbrw8  2025 Jan 25
We've significantly expanded our timeline of Latvian history with narrative, additional illustrations and dates, and occasional editorial opinion. latvians.com/?en/CultureHistory  2024 Dec 28
Personalities, places and illustrations feature prominently in Edna Dean Proctor's 1872 article "Northern Russia and St. Petersburg" based on her time in northern European Russia—a land of frigid temperatures and vast forests, home to Finns, Lithuanians [and Latvians], and Russians, each with their own customs and beliefs. It also explores the impact of German influence in the Baltic Provinces and of Russification, and Russian faith and life in the first decade after emancipation. Lastly, the article showcases St. Petersburg and its transformation of a desolate swamp into a grand imperial capital. latvians.com/?en/CFBH/ScribnersRusStPtr  2024 Dec 04
We corrected our weather pages not updating properly, now kept up-to-date within 10 minutes. Current weather and 5-day forecast for Rīga available below. We also provide weather and forecasts for Tallinn, Vilnius, and Kyiv. latvians.com/?en/weather/level-050-riga.ssi  2024 Nov 27
We've added another window into the 1920's: a subscription installment of "The World and Its People," featuring illustrated country profiles of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. We had no idea wild bison roamed Lithuania! latvians.com/?en/CFBH/WorldAndItsPeople  2024 Nov 04
We've upscaled and sharpened renowned Soviet-era photographer Naum Granovsky's color postcard album of Rīga. latvians.com/?en/CFBH/RigaSoviet/  2024 Oct 14
Also visit other Latvia-related sites we author or curate!
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