That central and eastern Europe rightfully fear the imminent return of a Kremlin-subservient American presidency only magnifies the disappointment that the US did not do more, and sooner, to untie Ukraine’s hands in responding to Putin’s 2022 all-out invasion. Many Latvians, knowing they are “next” if Ukraine falls, have not been sparing in their condemnations.

Biden did little to benefit Ukraine—thus also never initiated an armaments Lend Lease [similar to the US with the USSR in WWII]. There is no longer any illusion about Biden/the Democrats.
By imposing the Russian language, the US Embassy regularly reminds Latvians—the US supports Russian occupation and its fallout in Latvia.
US Democrats are not to be trusted!
“Imposing the Russian language?” What had we missed?
Earlier, in October, the US Embassy launched an official channel on Telegram, complete with US Ambassador Christopher Robinson’s video introduction, addressing his Russian/Russophone audience in perfectly fluent Russian.

Translating the posted Russian (our emphasis):
Welcome to the Telegram channel of the U.S. Embassy in Latvia! We are pleased to share our first message, a greeting from Ambassador Robinson. Through this channel, we will share information and resources about cultural, professional, and educational programs, as well as opportunities to learn about our work and partners. All our content will be original and will only be available on Telegram. We look forward to hearing from you! 👋
Thus, a 33-year-old Latvian born after the restoration of independence who chose to not learn Russian—the language of the half-century occupier, has no idea what the US Embassy officially communicates to Latvia’s Russian/Russophone inhabitants. We addressed our concerns to the US Embassy in an Email, as yet not acknowledged.
December 6, 2024
Dear Ambassador Robinson,
I am a first-generation Latvian-American. My parents were WWII refugees who came to the US in 1950. Thanks to a warning to not go home, my mother (a post office supervisor) escaped being deported to Siberia with the rest of her family. Thanks to being born in 1905, not 1906, my father (an artist who graduated the national art academy) escaped being conscripted by the Nazis. That historical DNA informs the cultural preservation mission of our heritage and reference website,, active since 1998, and other web projects (, I also host/maintain,, and served as webmaster for the 2007 Indianapolis Latvian Song and Dance Festival. Lastly, I curate the official website of the late Holocaust scholar Andrew Ezergailis,
Latvian culture has survived in the face of countless external ravages over the centuries. Thus, I am taken aback by your decision to launch an official US Embassy in Latvia Russian-language channel on Telegram. As you are aware, official communications in the country of Latvia are to be conducted in Latvian. I appreciate the Embassy desiring to reach out to Latvia’s Russian minority; however, I cannot support its method. Quoting your October 29, 2024 launch announcement:
“Добро пожаловать на канал Telegram посольства США в Латвии! Мы рады поделиться нашим первым сообщением – приветствием от посла Робинсона. Через этот канал мы будем делиться информацией и ресурсами о культурных, профессиональных и образовательных программах, а также возможностями познакомиться с нашей работой и партнерами. Весь наш контент будет оригинальным и будет доступен только в Telegram. Мы с нетерпением ждем общения с вами! 👋”
I take issue with “Весь наш контент будет оригинальным и будет доступен только в Telegram.”—“All of our content will be original and available only on Telegram.”
Thus, if I am a citizen of Latvia not fluent in Russian, I cannot understand what the government of the United States is officially communicating to the Russian minority. I understand that US Embassy grounds are sovereign American soil and technically not “Latvia,” so the Embassy is not bound by the laws of Latvia. However, this intentional flouting of Latvian law and norms disrespects the nation of Latvia and insults all its citizens who abide by its laws regardless their personal ethnic heritage.
This exclusive catering to the Russian community pointedly validates its self-imposed linguistic apartheid. Shortly after Latvia regained independence, a female Russian caller to Riga talk radio swore she would “never learn that pig language.” (My relatives translated.) Over three decades later, her invective still rings true and is felt in everyday Latvian life. Venues such as the renowned LIDO restaurant are compelled to conduct employee meetings in Russian; employees not fluent in Russian cannot even rise to become a food station supervisor.
However it is you intended your Telegram presence, I can vouch that neither the Latvian nor Russian community perceives it as inclusive of the other. And not being inclusive, it is divisive.
Awaiting your response,
Pēters Jānis Vecrumba
Should we receive a response, we will share it here. We forwarded the same to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.