
In the aftermath of World War I, it was paramount to restore agriculture in order to feed the peoples of a devastated Europe. Through the American YMCA, a program was set up to educate soldiers awaiting their return home. The American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) University was established at Beaune, France, serving some 6,000 students enrolled in 13 separate colleges, including The College of Agriculture. Additionally, the School for Agricultural Practice was founded in the nearby town of Allerey.

Following an agricultural conference addressing students from both the College and School, the enthusiasm generated caused the formation of two organizations: the AEF Farmers' Club by the students, and a World Council by the lecturers — representing Belgium, Canada, China, Great Britain, and the United States. A movement was launched which developed into The World Agriculture Society, and which began publishing a quarterly journal, World Agriculture, in December 1919.

The society remained active including publishing until the Depression. Following, the issue about post-WWI Latvian agriculture.

It was her purely agricultural population which remained the great reservoir of the traditions of the people of Latvia and of that force and personality which, surviving foreign domination, conserved vital energy powerful enough to animate the movement for her renaissance even to the point of realizing her ideal, Independence. — Translated from Dr. M. Walters, Le Peuple Letton (Valters & Rapa, S. A., Riga, 1926).

Among the countries which became independent as a result of the World War, the four "Baltic Republics"—Finland, Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania—possess particular interest. In this Number we give an account of Latvia, in preparing we have had the generous assistance of our Latvian members, especially of Consul General Arthur B. Lute, New York City, and Mr. George Adamson, Boston, as well as of Mr. J. Sieberg, Honorary Consul at the latter city, and the Hon. Charles L. Seya, Latvian Minister at Washington. To these, and to other members of the World Agriculture Society who have helped with this issue, the Editors offer hearty thanks, as also their recognition to the authors whose research appears in these pages.

WORLD AGRICULTURE was issued quarterly by the World Agriculture Corporation, Publication Office, Eddy Place, Brookfield, Mass. Our presentation with commentary qualifies as a protected collection and derivative work under Latvian Copyright Law § 5. ¶ 1. © 2024. qualifies as a protected collection under Latvian Copyright Law Ch. II § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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