On festive occasions, men wore a grey woollen coat, the so-called «bruslak», that reached half-way down the thigh. It had a stand-up collar embroidered with white linen threads. A little embroidery edged the sleeves too. The coat was fastened in front with a double row of mother-of-pearl buttons down to the waist. There was a cut-in pocket on either side with a flap on top. The back of the bruslak was closely gathered from the waist. Since it was fairly wide, the tight belt made it throw folds at the sides as well.

In older times two bruslaks were worn one on top of the other, leaving the top one unbuttoned and ungirdled, so as to show the other one. The belt was either a leather strap with several brass clasps, or the so-called «slengene», made of brass plates in front and a chain at the back.

The man's shirt had a stand-up collar embroidered with broad one-way drawn-thread work. The attached yoke and cuffs were plain. A green or red silken kerchief, folded several times corner to corner, was tied about the neck starting from the front, then crossing the ends at the back and pulling them front again, where they were knotted together.

The trousers were white and broad, made either of woollen or linen material. Black high-topped boots were common, though sometimes shoes were also worn, with long brightly patterned woollen socks pulled over the trouser legs.

The hat — «ratene» — was black with a slightly upturned brim and a broad and rather low crown. Several strings of beads were wound about the crown just above the brim. This was called «crancis». The ends fell loose over the left side of the brim. Sometimes a coloured ribbon was used instead, its ends hanging down the back.

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