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The Head of the faculty:
Lic.theol. A. Čops.  


Lecturer: Lic.theol  


Exact Sciens[sic.] and humanitarian sciences.

a) The boundaries between exact sciences and humanitarian sciences and their characteristics.
b)The peculiarities of the belief of exact and humanitarian sciences and their characteristics: experience, mathematical belief, apprehension, intuition. The highest calsses[sic.] categories. Definitions. Axioms.
2.The division of humanitarian sciences and their problems.
  A. Philosophy: a) psychology b)logic. c)Belief theory. d)ontology (metaphysics) e) value philosophy. F) ethics. g) Aestetics[sic.] h) socilogy[sic.], i) right philosophy. j) Philosophy of history.
3.B.Thelogy[sic.]. Wht does it investigate? a) Phenomenology of religion. b) Historical and systematical thelogy[sic.].
4. Eternal or metaphysical problems of humanitarian sciences.
      a) matter, energy. b) Time, space. c) Development and creation. d) Living being.
5.Eternal or metaphysical problems of humanitarian sciences.
       a) Soul and immortality b) Free Will c) Spirit, soul. d) idea of God. e) Problems of history and the meaning of our life.




I) God, soul, the value of a man.
2)Religion and its meaning.
3)The idea of God.
4)Holy Scriptures, their meaning.
5)The idea of Heavenly Kongdom in the past and at present as it understood by different countries (Europa, America )
6)The personality and teachings of Christ.
7)Wonders in the New Testament, history, our life and natural history.
8)Our life. The real understanding of it. Its demands.
9) The main conditions and ethicks for our mutual relations.
I0)Nationalism from the ethical and religions point of view.
II)The problem of suffering in the Old Testament in connection with the present actual problems.





Lecturer: Ž.Štrauss.

 The Practical Office Training.

I)Offices. Premises. Furnishing
2)Personnel. Their duties and rights.
3)In-coming and out-going documents. Their classification according to their contents.
4)Files  Filing.
5)Personnel record. Order books.
6)Copies. Their testification.
7)Statistics. Its meaning. Register cards.
9)Commercial arithmetic. Percentage
I0)Office machines. Counting-machine. The document folder.
II)Office training.




I) The  book-keeping.
2)Single and duble[sic.] book-keeping.
3)Bilance.[sic.]1 Reports. Closing bilance.
4)Documents. Their classification.
5)American system.
6)Booking machines Their user_error
7)Practical training.


 Type-writing  and  shorthand.


I)General Aspect on type-writing.
2)Type writer, its parts and their meanings. The different systems of typewriters.
3)Practical training.
5)Practical training.

1Latvian word for balance qualifies as a protected collection under Latvian Copyright Law Ch. II § 5 ¶ 1.2.
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