Kabile, in the heart of Kurzeme (Courland)
Kabile manor fireplace, at zudusilatvija.lv

This foldout features illustrations of a full women's folk costume and various details: jacket schematic, brooches, skirt weave pattern, blouse schematic, cuff stitching, collar stitching, womens's cap, shawl weave pattern and descriptive overviews in French, English, Russian, and Latvian.


Kabile is the name of a town as well as the wider parish.

Kabile folk costume, at pinterest.com

Earlier/other names include Cabillen (Cabyllen), Cab(e)le, Kabilwen, Kabillen, Kabele, Кабилленская. Kabile is well known as an area of ancient settlement dating back to the Stone Age. Up until the 10th century, the territory lay at the boundary between the Baltic Couronian tribes' and Finno-Ugrian Liv tribes' settlements, the kingdoms of Bandava and Vanema, respectively. Kabile first appears in written records in the April 4, 1253 treaty between the German Sword Brotherhood and Courland Bishop Heinrihu regarding the division of six conquered native lands. Kabile appears again in 1331 regarding the building of a castle, and in 1422 regarding the leasing of feudal land.

By the end of the rule of the Sword Brotherhood, the areas was already an agricultural manor. The Kabile manor belonged to Heinrich Sobleck (16th century), Johann Dietrich von Behr and his family (17th-18th centuries), Heinrich Dietrich Wilhelm von Keizerling (19th century), Prince Otto Andreas Lieven Of Lieven (19th/20th century).

The current Kabile parish includes the earlier Višli manor (Gut Wischeln, Višļi).

In 1935, the parish encompassed 226.5 km² (87.5 mi²), and 3,143 inhabitants. A number of changes were made to the parish during the Soviet era/occupation and following the restoration of independence.

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