The woollen shawl worn in the Piebalga district was plain white with narrow interwoven red or red and green stripes along each of its side edges, and one red stripe along the upper and lower edges. Long fringes usually edged the sides. The shawl was so long that it reached down almost to the ankles.

The blouse usually had a collarless neck, and long loose sleeves edged with narrow one-way drawn-thread work. Later on blouses were also worn with a narrow stand-up collar, in­set yoke and narrow cuffs, without embroidery. The blouse was fastened at the neck with a tiny silver «sakta» (brooch).

The skirt was finely striped in many colours, rarely chequered. It was held up by a narrow belt, woven separately, but later on the belt was woven of the same material and attached to the skirt.

No bodice or jacket was worn.

The coronet was made of black cloth with a few rows of coloured beads round the middle. It was tall, so that its upper brim bent inwards forming soft folds.

The married woman's hat was round and fairly tall, different from any other worn in Latvia. Its crown was made of black or dark blue cloth, and the brim of green homespun. It was worn in the same way as the coronet.

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